Season 1 (1999)


Season 2 (2000) 1/3 2/3 3/3
Season 3 (2001) 1/2 2/2
Season 4 (2002)


Season 5 (2003)


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Digital Recording


The year is 2001, and I am now 22 years old. my music now appears on two sites,, and Through these two sites, I was able to get more feedback than I had ever gotten before about my music and how to improve on my already established talent. I concentrated mostly on continuing projects already done. 


City Lights, Calling the Sheep, and Takeover were singles that I decided to do remixes for, and create more songs for in the times to come. The Escape EP was also something I wanted to expand. I had mastered digital recording instead of recording from cassette, now I just had to get the sound as clear and crisp as possible. A challenge more hard than I had realized. - - - - I moved on from Kristiansand to Molde, to study even more, and it was there that my music would have the greatest impact of all: When I met the love of my life Solfrid.



A new love


2001 is coming to an end, and is becoming a more hostile place. It is becoming more and more difficult to upload songs, and many are speculating on the worst. But my life is running smoothly. A new girlfriend, some new good friends in Molde, and a lot of new inspiration for my new tracks. The second part of 2001 saw me in love again with a girl named Solfrid, and her influence on my new life changed me complitely. 


This can probably also be seen on my music as the last part of 2001 saw me creating some of Xanitra's finest work ever. (some call it ugly) THE BEAST is by many considered to be my finest tune, some think Starving to Death is huge, and others think that The angel that took me 2 Heaven is preffered. But nonethelessm this period saw me releasing some fine work, and improving upon old tunes. The last tune was a remix I did of Sulphur, and it truly demonstrates my potential.